对于新版本的Office最大行数已经支持到了1048576,最大列数是16384。当然也有新的Python库来对新的Office Excel进行操作,就是openpyxl库,下面也会简单使用一下。
1 2 3 |
import xlwt file = xlwt.Workbook() table = file.add_sheet('sheet name') |
1 |
table.write(0,0,'row and column') |
1 |
file.add_sheet('sheet name', cell_overwrite_ok=True) |
1 |
file.save('demo.xls') |
Group | Attributes |
Number format | 数字格式索引(FORMAT记录的索引) |
Font | 字体索引(FONT记录的索引) |
Alignment | 水平和垂直对齐,文本换行,缩进,方向/旋转,文本方向 |
Border | 边框线条样式和颜色 |
Background | 背景区域风格和颜色 |
Protection | 单元格锁定,公式隐藏 |
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# 初始化样式 style = xlwt.XFStyle() # 创建一个与样式一起使用的字体 font = xlwt.Font() font.name = 'Times New Roman' font.bold = True # 设置样式的字体 style.font = font # 写入时应用样式 sheet.write(0, 0, 'some bold Times text', style) |
还有比如格式化数字,添加超链接等,更多可以参考官方样例: https://github.com/python-excel/xlwt/tree/master/examples
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import pymysql import xlwt connection = pymysql.connect( host = '', port = 3306, user = 'root', passwd = '123456', db = 'sbtest', charset = 'utf8' ) try: file = xlwt.Workbook() table = file.add_sheet('sheet name', cell_overwrite_ok=True) with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = "select * from sbtest1" curosr = connection.cursor() curosr.execute(sql) column = 0 for i in curosr.description: table.write(0,column,i[0]) column += 1 row = 1 column = 0 for i in curosr.fetchall(): for i in i: table.write(row,column,i) column += 1 row += 1 column = 0 file.save('demo.xls') finally: connection.close() |
1 2 |
import xlrd table = xlrd.open_workbook('demo.xls') |
1 |
table.sheet_names() |
1 2 |
sheet = table.sheet_by_index(0) sheet = table.sheet_by_name('sheet name') |
1 2 |
for r in range(sheet.nrows): print(sheet.row_values(r)) |
1 |
sheet.col_values(0) |
1 2 |
sheet.cell(0,0).value sheet.cell(rowx=3,colx=2).value |
其实上面的xlwt或xlrd都是相对限制较多,比如无法修改excel表格,以及读写一个sheet不能超过65535条,如果超过就会报错:ValueError: row index was 65536, not allowed by .xls format。这也是因为xlwt或xlrd只能用于后缀为.xls老版本的Excel,也是Excel本身的限制。上面也说了,新版Excel已经支持更大的行数了。
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# 导入模块 >>> from openpyxl import Workbook # 打开Workbook >>> file = Workbook() # 创建Sheet >>> sheet = file.active # 定义Sheet名称 >>> sheet.title = "sheet name" # 操作Cell >>> sheet['A1'] = 4 # 获取Cell值 >>> sheet['A1'].value # 保存xlsx文件 >>> file.save('demo.xlsx') |
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def GenerateCharacter(n, limit=65535): import string c = int(n / 26) y = int(n % 26) if n <= 26: character = [] for i in range(n): character.append(string.ascii_uppercase[i]) return character elif n <= limit: character = [c for c in string.ascii_uppercase] for i in range(c): if i + 1 == c: for e in range(y): character.append(character[i] + string.ascii_uppercase[e]) else: for e in [character[i] + c for c in string.ascii_uppercase]: character.append(e) return character else: return "more than %s restrictions" % limit |
1 2 |
>>> print(GenerateCharacter(10)) ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'] |
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import pymysql from openpyxl import Workbook class DatabaseConn: def __init__(self, ip=None, user=None, password=None, db=None, port=None): self.ip = ip self.user = user self.password = password self.db = db self.port = int(port) self.con = object def __enter__(self): self.con = pymysql.connect( host=self.ip, user=self.user, passwd=self.password, db=self.db, charset='utf8mb4', port=self.port ) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.con.close() def select_execute(self, sql=None): with self.con.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchall() fields = cursor.description return fields, result class ExportSQL: def GenerateCharacter(self, n, limit=65535): import string c = int(n / 26) y = int(n % 26) if n <= 26: character = [] for i in range(n): character.append(string.ascii_uppercase[i]) return character elif n <= limit: character = [c for c in string.ascii_uppercase] for i in range(c): if i + 1 == c: for e in range(y): character.append(character[i] + string.ascii_uppercase[e]) else: for e in [character[i] + c for c in string.ascii_uppercase]: character.append(e) return character else: return "more than %s restrictions" % limit def execute(self): try: with DatabaseConn( ip='', user='root', password='', port=3306, db='sbtest', ) as curosr: fields, result = curosr.select_execute(sql='select * from sbtest1 limit 10') file = Workbook() sheet = file.active sheet.title = "sheet name" ascii_uppercase = self.GenerateCharacter(len(fields)) for field in range(0, len(fields)): sheet["%s%d" % (ascii_uppercase[field], 1)] = fields[field][0] for row in range(1, len(result) + 1): for field in range(0, len(fields)): sheet["%s%d" % (ascii_uppercase[field], row + 1)] = result[row - 1][field] file.save('demo.xlsx') except Exception as e: print(e) ExportSQL().execute() |
上面是一个一次性导出 Excel 的脚本,如果有多次查询追加导入到 Excel 中,大概的方式如下:
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import pymysql from openpyxl import Workbook class DatabaseConn: def __init__(self, ip=None, user=None, password=None, db=None, port=None): self.ip = ip self.user = user self.password = password self.db = db self.port = int(port) self.con = object def __enter__(self): self.con = pymysql.connect( host=self.ip, user=self.user, passwd=self.password, db=self.db, charset='utf8mb4', port=self.port ) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.con.close() def select_execute(self, sql=None): with self.con.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchall() fields = cursor.description return fields, result def execute(sql): try: with DatabaseConn( ip='', user='', password='', port=3306, db='', ) as curosr: fields, result = curosr.select_execute(sql=sql) return (fields, result) except Exception as e: print(e) def generate_character(n, limit=65535): import string c = int(n / 26) y = int(n % 26) if n <= 26: character = [] for i in range(n): character.append(string.ascii_uppercase[i]) return character elif n <= limit: character = [c for c in string.ascii_uppercase] for i in range(c): if i + 1 == c: for e in range(y): character.append(character[i] + string.ascii_uppercase[e]) else: for e in [character[i] + c for c in string.ascii_uppercase]: character.append(e) return character else: return "more than %s restrictions" % limit if __name__ == '__main__': count = 0 file = Workbook() sheet = file.active sheet.title = "sheet name" f = open('/tmp/1.txt', 'r') while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break else: sql = ("selec * from sbtest.sbtest1 where id={}".format(line)) fields, result = execute(sql) ascii_uppercase = generate_character(len(fields)) if count == 0: for field in range(0, len(fields)): sheet["%s%d" % (ascii_uppercase[field], 1)] = fields[field][0] if result: for row in range(count + 1, count + len(result) + 1): for field in range(0, len(fields)): sheet["%s%d" % (ascii_uppercase[field], row + 1)] = result[row - count - 1][field] count += len(result) + 1 else: fields = [None] * len(fields) if len(fields) >= 2: fields[0] = line else: print("fields data error") for field in range(0, len(fields)): sheet["%s%d" % (ascii_uppercase[field], count + 1)] = fields[field] count += 1 print(count) file.save('demo.xlsx') |
这是一个从文件中读取数据,然后进行查询,查询结果追加到 Excel 中,没有查询结果的把文件读取的数值追加进 Excel 中。
Python中一般使用xlrd(excel read)来读取Excel文件,使用xlwt(excel write)来生成Excel文件(可以控制Excel中单元格的格式),需要注意的是,用xlrd读取excel是不能对其进行操作的:xlrd.open_workbook()方法返回xlrd.Book类型,是只读的,不能对其进行操作。而 xlwt.Workbook()返回的xlwt.Workbook类型的save(filepath)方法可以保存excel文件。因此对于读取和生成Excel文件都非常容易处理,但是对于已经存在的Excel文件进行修改就比较麻烦了。不过,还有一个xlutils(依赖于xlrd和xlwt)提供复制excel文件内容和修改文件的功能。其实际也只是在xlrd.Book和xlwt.Workbook之间建立了一个管道而已。如果有用到可以参考:Python xlrd、xlwt、xlutils读取、修改Excel文件